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Remote Days

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Remote Days

Nov 17, 2020
Remote Days Calendar

As you know, our district will be practicing our Remote Learning procedures on Monday, November 23rd and Tuesday, November 24th. During those days, students will not attend school in person, but will instead work remotely. The purpose of these days is to use new strategies and schedules that will give our students the best possible experience if we are forced to shift to a remote model in the future. We understand that remote learning places a heavy burden on parents, and our goal is to remove as much of the responsibility from you as possible. Below is a more detailed breakdown. Full details will be provided by your child’s teachers in the coming days.  


Families must log in by 9pm each day to complete their attendance check-in. This check-in is just like it was during hybrid at the beginning of the year.

Each day (Monday & Tuesday) your child's teacher will offer an optional zoom session to check in with their class. Teachers will also be available through phone/email as well.

Teachers will post assignments to google classroom for both days. These assignments must be completed before your child returns the following Monday. (Nov 30th)

(NOTE:  Preschool will be slightly different and teachers will be sending more detailed information soon.) 

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