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4th Quarter Grading

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4th Quarter Grading

Mar 31, 2020

Dear Parents,
We know our families and students are facing many challenges right now. Our goal is to
continue to support our students learning during this time. Our teachers will be
monitoring students' work completion and be providing feedback to the students
throughout the quarter, but our grading policy will be changing.
Due to the governor's ordered school closure and our transition to remote learning, we
have made the following changes for all students in grades K-6 for the 4th quarter:
- Grades in classes will now be either pass (P) or incomplete (I).
- Grades in unified arts classes will still be satisfactory (S) or unsatisfactory (U).
- No midterms will be given during the quarter.
- Students in grades 3-6 will not be receiving a grade point average for the quarter
or for the year.
If we are able to return to school in May, we plan on continuing with our award
programs. Our staff will determine at that time how best to recognize the efforts of all
our students. Once these decisions have been made, we will share the details with our
Thank you for your support and understanding during these difficult times. We are
fortunate to have such a tremendous school community. We miss our students and look
forward to having them back in our building soon!
Stay healthy,

Mrs. Giffen
Monroe Primary Principal
Mrs. Stratton
Monroe Elementary Principal

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