Monroe Junior High School News

2021 Yearbook Information
Sales are going on now-

Monroe to Return to Full-Day Learning
Monroe Schools District will return to five day learning for students on Tuesday, October 20.

Picture RE-take Day
Coming Soon!

Parent Survey on Hybrid Model
Monroe Local School District would like parent/guardian feedback on your experience with the Hybrid model. In October, we will be sending a similar survey to our Virtual Learning Academy parents.

Hybrid Model to Start 2020-2021 School Year
Monroe Local School District will start the new school year with the Hybrid Model beginning on Monday, August 24 through Friday, October 16 for students in grades K-12.

One View Registration
Yearly updating of student information forms are now online.

Picture Day is Coming!
Go online and order yours today at Picture ID: EVT8S8234

Jr./Sr. High Clear Backpack Policy - Locker Usage for 2020-2021
Hello Monroe Junior High School Parents and Guardians!
Please view the following letter on the Locker/Backpack policy in place to start the 2020-2021 school year. Thanks!

MJHS Orientation 2020-2021
Hello Monroe Junior High School Families!

DC trip 2021 Update
New Information for next year's trip for current 7th graders.