DC trip 2021 Update
Due to COVID-19, we had to cancel the usual meeting we have with the current 7th-grade parents in person to give out information about the upcoming 2021 DC trip. Below are three different short videos that go over the dates for the trip, how to sign up, cost and what is included with that amount, parent chaperone cost and duties, and scholarship information to help with funding. We included the PowerPoint as well to keep for your records. After watching the videos, please sign up for our Facebook page and have you and your child sign up for the Google Classroom class to continue to receive updates about the trip. The links and codes for these two sites will be in the Powerpoint.
Please let Mrs. Stanger and Miss Jeffers know if you have any questions at sstanger@ monroelocalschools.com and lje ffers@monroelocalschools.com.
We look forward to this upcoming trip and hope you can be a part of the experience with us!