Monroe Junior High School News
One View Registration
AUG 7, 2020
Yearly updating of student information forms are now online.
Picture Day is Coming!
AUG 7, 2020
Go online and order yours today at Picture ID: EVT8S8234
Jr./Sr. High Clear Backpack Policy - Locker Usage for 2020-2021
AUG 6, 2020
Hello Monroe Junior High School Parents and Guardians!
Please view the following letter on the Locker/Backpack policy in place to start the 2020-2021 school year. Thanks!
MJHS Orientation 2020-2021
AUG 4, 2020
Hello Monroe Junior High School Families!
We are very excited to present our Junior High Virtual Orientation! We believe that this orientation will highlight our amazing staff, new school procedu...
DC trip 2021 Update
AUG 3, 2020
New Information for next year's trip for current 7th graders.