CLUB OPPORTUNITY 3rd - 5th grade - Girls on the Run
CLUB OPPORTUNITY 3rd - 5th grade - Girls on the Run
This non-competitive program inspires girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running. We meet twice weekly(with COVID safety protocols!) for 8 weeks with healthy snacks, games, life skills lessons, and walking/running for health. At the end of the season, we celebrate with a VIRTUAL 5K! Online lottery registration opens on Mon Feb 22 and closes on Wed March 3. Click HERE.
Registration is on a LOTTERY system for the 20 slots available, not first-come, first-served. Families will be notified of their placement on March 5.
Sliding scale registration fees from $10 to $132, which includes all materials, snacks, t-shirt, shoes, and finisher medal. Payment plans and scholarships available.
Season: March 10 - May 12
Mon AND Wed 3:45 - 5:15