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College Credit Plus (CCP)

College Credit Plus (CCP)

Intent to Participate forms are due: April 1st

Ohio’s new College Credit Plus can help you earn college and high school credits at the same time by taking college courses from community colleges or universities. The purpose of this program is to promote rigorous academic pursuits and to provide a wide variety of options to college-ready students.. -Ohio Board of Regents

For more information on College Credit Plus, check out the Board of Regents ODE website

College Credit Plus includes any course that is offered through a college or university in Ohio. These include dual enrollment courses offered at Monroe, and any courses students would take at an actual university or online.

To participate in CCP - all students (including current CCP students) must be informed about the CCP program and then turn in an Intent to Participate Form.

The CCP Information Session for 2025-2026 will take place:

  • January 21st, 2025 @6:00pm (last names A-L)
  • January 22nd, 2025 @6:00pm (last names M-Z)

Counselors will work with the students to create their Monroe partial day schedule in order to have time to take CCP courses online or off campus.

  • Students taking CCP Anatomy-Physiology (BIO151 & BIO152), CCP English (ENG101 & ENG103), CCP American History (HST111 & HST112), CCP American Government (POL101), CCP Quantitative Reasoning (MAT105), CCP Statistics I (MAT131), CCP Psychology (PSY110), CCP Sociology (SOC105) at Monroe need to apply to Cincinnati State's CCP Program.
  • CCP (College Credit Plus) Options Offered AT Monroe HS through Cincinnati State

Please contact your School Counselor for additional information.

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