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Time Management & Self Discipline

Time Management, Self-Discipline, and SELF-MOTIVATION


Have you planned enough time? Consider this: The rule of thumb for class time and homework is the same for both in-seat and online classes. You should expect to spend a minimum of 2-3 hours additional for each hour of class time. Therefore, in a 3-credit hour course you should expect to spend at least 6-9 hours per week to complete the readings, assignments and participate in class discussion.

  • TIP: Use a time / task calendar or schedule and set reminders for logging in regularly. Setting up a daily schedule, marking important due dates for learning activities and assessments, and blocking off time for reading course content and participating in course requirements is key.
  • TIP: Don't procrastinate and try to do all of your work in one session. Break up readings, assignments and projects into smaller manageable tasks.
  • TIP: Use your time wisely. We all have the same time available to us: 24 hours in a day, and 168 hours in a week - use your time wisely.

The ability to be independent and self-directed in your learning while effectively managing time is key to success in online learning.


To be successful, you will need to have self-discipline and self-motivation to regularly login to the course, monitor deadlines, and complete your course work regularly.

  • TIP: Take action, participate, and keep yourself on track. Know your what your best learning settings look like and proactively turn off or minimize your distractions (including your mobile phone, music, etc.).
  • TIP: Engage and Read. Be sure to read all of your instructor's emails, announcements, and communications. Often these will contain important deadlines, to dos, assignment instructions, etc.
  • TIP: Login to your Google Classroom and check your email regularly. The key is to have a dedicated time set aside for your course work and to minimize obstacles that hinder you from studying and participating.
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