Updated Covid Protocol Information 8/12/2021

Hello Hornet Families,
As I shared in my last communication, as guidance and conditions with COVID change, Monroe Local Schools will adjust. The first day of school is right around the corner, and we have updated some of our health and safety procedures to start the school year. I encourage you to take the time to read through these documents as they have important information as we begin school next week.
Monroe Daily Health Assessment
District Updated Health and Safety Protocols
Updated Quarantine Guidelines
Graphic for updated quarantines procedures
Ohio Department of Education Guidelines for Quarantine
ODH Quarantine Flowchart
We feel that at Monroe Local Schools it is so important to keep kids in school all year long. Over the past month, we have regularly communicated with the Butler and Warren County Health Districts along with the other Butler County school leaders. As a result of these ongoing discussions, we are strongly recommending that all students and staff in grades K-12 wear a mask while indoors and in an environment of close contact with other students and adults. Although this is not a requirement, as you read through the guidance from the health departments, this is the best way to keep our kids in school.
We will continue to work collaboratively and as conditions change, Monroe will adjust. Thank you for your continued patience and support as we move forward and work to make this school year a great success.
Thank you,
Robert Buskirk
Monroe Local Schools