Transportation - Mandatory Opt-In for 22/23

Mandatory Opt-In and Important Transportation Information for 22-23
Beginning with the 2022-2023 school year we are requiring parents/guardians to Opt-in for transportation for students to be routed on a bus
We are delaying the deadline date for the Opt-In completion by parents. We will notify you of the new deadline soon.
Opt-In is to allow more efficient routes for those that ride daily
If your child will not be riding the bus select “No” in the opt-In drop down option
No student will be routed if they do not Opt-in
This selection is not permanent, it can be changed
All changes must be made using the transportation form
After school starts it may take 3 – 7 days to add your student if it adds time or a stop to the route
One stop is permitted for AM and one stop for PM, as it is currently
Students can walk up to a half mile to a bus stop
Bus information for 22-23 will be available on August 2nd on the Bus Tracker App ONLY
Post cards will not be sent
Instructions for Opt-In: Log in to your OneView portal at
Select “Student Demographics & EMA (2021-2022)”
Scroll down to section 7 “Parental Agreements”
After Photograph/Video release you will see Transportation Opt-In Agreement