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Monroe Schools giving students architectural tours for feedback in designing new high school

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Monroe Schools giving students architectural tours for feedback in designing new high school

Mar 7, 2025
Students and school leaders stand in an outdoor courtyard at Franklin High School

School officials here are using a novel approach - as they prepare to design and build a new high school - by taking current students on architectural tours of other school buildings to get their feedback.

This week saw Monroe school officials bus more than a dozen Monroe High School students to three newer school buildings in Warren County – Carlisle Junior/Senior High School, Franklin and Lebanon high schools - to get their opinions on what features most appealed to them.

The Monroe school system is in the planning stage of building a new $62 million, stand-alone high school on its 2-12 grade campus scheduled to open in August 2028.

While districts generally solicit school parents and other local adults’ opinions in any building of new schools, Monroe is pursuing a unique strategy by transporting students on tours and incorporating their impressions and input into creating a new high school.

“We are still in the very early stages of design for the new high school, but one thing is clear—the students need to be part of the process,” Robert Buskirk, superintendent of Monroe Schools, told the Journal-News.

Click here to read more via the Journal News

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