Monroe Local School District launches neighborhood bridges

neighborhood bridges, a 501(c)(3) charity that champions direct local giving in partnership with school district leaders to serve our most at-risk students, today announced the launch of its 56th “Gateway for Kindness” to serve the Monroe Local Schools community.
As a community resource, neighborhood bridges Monroe Local Schools will aid school counselors, teachers, social workers and administrators in meeting the essential needs of at-risk and underprivileged students and families throughout the 2,900-student district.
We are incredibly excited to partner with neighborhood bridges to bring the ‘Gateway for Kindness’ to Monroe Local Schools,” said Superintendent J. Robert Buskirk. “This partnership will provide much-needed support for our students and families, ensuring they have the resources they need to succeed. We are grateful for this opportunity to connect our compassionate community with meaningful ways to help our students thrive.”
neighborhood bridges drives direct support and care by inviting professionals at schools, mental health agencies, churches and other service organizations to advocate for those in need. Advocates post needs via a secure website that maintains recipient anonymity. neighborhood bridges then shares those needs with subscribers and followers through daily emails and social media posts—engaging community members to fulfill them. Typical needs include food, clothing, shoes, coats, eye exams, school supplies, school fees, furniture, household items and monetary donations for household expenses.
“Within the communities we serve, our ‘Gateway for Kindness’ connects those in need with those who can help. We are excited to add Monroe Local Schools to our service area,” said Rick Bannister, neighborhood bridges CEO. “In preparing for this launch, the efforts of local school and community leaders demonstrate that kindness has momentum. Our partnership will provide direct impact to students and families in need in the spirit of neighbors helping neighbors. Simply put, our goal is to make sure that every Monroe student has the basic resources they need to attend school every day. We celebrate the addition of neighborhood bridges Monroe Local Schools to our Gateway for Kindness which now serves 30 communities throughout Ohio including Lakota, Fairfield, Harrison, New Miami, Lebanon, Kings Local and Sycamore Community Schools here in the region. Southwest Ohio has most definitely become a “corridor for kindness!”
Serving as Monroe’s area directors are Christine Uhl and Lindsay Henrriquez.
Christine Uhl resides in Hamilton, Ohio and holds a bachelor’s degree in family studies from Miami University. Christine is deeply rooted in her community and is dedicated to supporting people in need. Her strong social services background and passion for helping others through her professional role as a success liaison at Monroe Local Schools will have a significant impact as she helps bring neighborhood bridges to her school community.
Lindsay Henrriquez lives in Deer Park, Ohio, with her husband, Antonio, and their three wonderful sons—Meicol, Naun, and Bradley. Lindsay earned a degree in early childhood education from Cincinnati Bible College and has spent the last 12 years serving Monroe Local Schools as a success liaison. Her role allows her to connect the school with the community, a mission she loves and is eager to continue expanding. Lindsay finds great joy in serving others and supporting students and families.
Monroe's neighborhood bridges Steering Committee includes:
- J. Robert Buskirk, superintendent
- Jesse Catanzaro, director of personnel and business operations
- Rick Duff, career and counseling success liaison
- Sue Guttag, director of missions, Cornerstone Church
- Adam Marcum, public relations and communications coordinator
- Nancy Stratton, director of pupil personnel
Community members and businesses can follow needs in the community by subscribing to neighborhood bridges Monroe Local at and following on social media channels:
Facebook: neighborhood bridges Monroe Local
Instagram: @nbmonroelocal
For more information about neighborhood bridges Monroe Local Schools, or information on Kindness Council sponsorship opportunities, email us at