Board Office Summer Hours

The Board of Education Office is open during the summer from 8AM-4PM by appointment only. In order to protect our staff and visitors please call 513-539-2536 in advance to set up an appointment so we can ensure that the limited reception and meeting space that we have is adequate for your visit.
Prior to reporting please take your temperature to ensure that it is below 100.4 degrees and this self-assessment tool that will help you evaluate that you not experiencing symptoms or risk factors for COVID-19. In the event that you have a temperature over 100.4 degrees or have other symptoms please call our office at 513-539-2536 to reschedule your appointment.
High School Office Summer Hours
The High School office will be closed from June 23rd - July 7th reopening as follows:
July 8, 9, 13, 15, 16, 20, 22, 23, 27, 29, 30, 31
Monday's and Wednesday times are 9AM- 1PM and Thursdays are 10AM - 1PM