A state first: Monroe teacher wins top honor for history lessons

For the first time ever, the Ohio Society of the Sons of the American Revolution has named an elementary educator as the recipient of its Dr. Tom & Betty Lawrence American History Teacher Award.
In May, Monroe Elementary Gifted Intervention Specialist Melissa Costello was invited to the Peterloon Emery Estate in Indian Hill where she was announced as the 2023 Cincinnati Chapter and Ohio State Society SAR Elementary School American History Teacher of the Year. The President General of the National SAR presented her with the awards.
The American History Teacher Award recognizes educators who distinguish themselves in teaching the history of the American Revolution. Teacher candidates must complete the required application and submit a letter of recommendation as well as a written essay of not less than 1,000 words discussing the importance of teaching the American Revolution era.
The essay may also describe any extraordinary teaching techniques or innovative projects utilized by the teacher to teach the American Revolution.
Following the state announcement, Costello went on to represent Ohio in the National SAR American History Contest, where she was chosen as the National Elementary School American History Teacher of the Year. The national program features a contest at three educational levels: elementary school, middle school and high school.
“For the National SAR Award, I won a prize package that includes an all-expense paid week-long Teacher Institute professional development at Colonial Williamsburg in Virginia and a $1,000 stipend, which will help me further expand the SAR and DAR historical contest offerings to students at both Monroe Elementary and Monroe Junior High," said Costello. "We must instill these principles early in life, so I have made it my mission to bring these patriotic foundations into our schools and give children an early exposure to these important concepts.”
"It did not take me long after meeting Mrs. Costello last fall that I realized what an inspirational and creative educator she was,” said Cincinnati Chapter President George Stewart, who sponsored Costello throughout the contest.
Along the way, several of Costello’s Monroe Elementary School students also participated in state-level contests sponsored by the Sons and Daughters of the American Revolution. Olivia Fields and Carly Watts were named Ohio State Winners in the DAR Essay Contest, and fourth grader Alexa Funke (pictured) won first place in the Ohio State SAR Poster Contest.
“This award is well deserved. As her sponsor I could not be happier for her and her students,” said Stewart. “Our national selection committee recognized the same quality educator that I did when they named her National Elementary School American History Teacher of the Year. Monroe Local School District is fortunate to have such an exceptional educator in their district and classroom."
“Monroe Local School District is incredibly fortunate to have outstanding educators like Mrs. Costello who go above and beyond for our students every day,” said Monroe Superintendent J. Robert Buskirk. “She continues to find new and creative ways to challenge and inspire her students, 10 of whom have received various DAR and SAR distinctions since she introduced the program into her elementary curriculum. Her recognition of being named National Elementary School American History Teacher of the Year is well deserved.”