District News

What's the Buzz? | Winter 2024-25

Student/Staff of the Quarter - Second Quarter 2024-25

School Board Recognition Month

Now accepting nominations for the Patti Jo Shull Blue and Gold Community Award
Notice of public hearing and board meeting
A public hearing to review the tax budget will be held on Monday, Jan. 13, 2025 at 5:45 p.m. in the Monroe Elementary School Cafeteria located at 230 Yankee Rd., Monroe, OH 45050.
The annual organiza...

WATCH: Monroe senior bowler rolls 300 game
Monroe High School senior bowler Corey Williams-Carter rolled a 300 game on Wednesday in a match against Little Miami at Eastern Lanes.
The perfect game came in the first of the two individual games ...

'Bringing the juice': Educator of the Week energizes a district
Strengthening the body helps sharpen the mind. That’s the approach of our Educator of the Week.
Mr. Nolan Miller is the physical education teacher at Monroe Junior High School.
He’s a teacher whose ...

Monroe Local School District launches neighborhood bridges
neighborhood bridges, a 501(c)(3) charity that champions direct local giving in partnership with school district leaders to serve our most at-risk students, today announced the launch of its 56th “Gat...

11 Monroe seniors awarded 2024-25 Ohio Governor’s Merit Scholarship
11 Monroe seniors representing the top 5% of their graduating class have been named recipients of more than $200,000 in financial assistance to attend an Ohio college or university through the Governo...